Tuesday, December 15, 2015


You must be aware of the fact that these days having a good position on Google web page is the key to obtain maximum traffic for your website. For this, your SEO should be foolproof, coz the search engine robots do not tolerate a single SEO mistake. After performing SEO audits for various websites, we have observed the most common SEO mistakes which can cost you money!!
Keyword Stuffing: This is one of the most common SEO mistakes. Instead of stuffing all the keywords together in one page, you should try to create separate pages & optimize them with the keywords. It is also important to maintain the keyword density for each page.
Duplicate Title Tags: The title tag is a very important on-page SEO factor; hence you should never have same titles for all SEO pages. Page titles should be unique & content specific, which should tell the user what content does the page contain.
Using the right Meta description tag is also a very important on-page ranking factor. It should describe the information, a specific page contains with the keywords in it.
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Broken Links: These can be very irritating for your visitors as they do not get to see the information they’ve come to see & Google spiders are not a fan of them either. Hence it is mandatory to check for site errors regularly & fix them.  It can result in your website rankings going down in search engine.
Meta Keyword Tags: The practice of using Meta keywords is no longer beneficial now. They are no longer a ranking factor; moreover your competitors can find and use your well researched keywords for their own benefits.
Not Sung The Right Keywords:  The keywords which you are targeting on your website should reflect the words which people would be actually searching. You would also want your keywords to be as specific as possible coz using broader keywords would increase the website traffic but may not result in any conversion.
Content Marketing – SEO is focused on technical elements while content marketing will drive search rankings. Businesses that continue to focus on SEO without having a strong content plan in place will fail, and will need to shift their focus to the creation and distribution of high-quality content in order to achieve significant search engine visibility.
User Interface & Mobile SEO – We know that mobile users consume content differently that desktop users: Not only should your site be readable and accessible from every device and multimedia platform, but it should also be optimized accordingly for each. Images and content need to be lighter on smaller devices rather than simply scaled down and re-adjusted to the browser window.
Branding – If others are talking about you in a positive way, Google will trust you. Because Google search algorithms are becoming pretty much the closest thing to artificial intelligence, it only makes sense that human signals will play a more important role on the future of SEO. If you don’t have a strong presence and strategy that allows for people to find and share your content, you’re doing it wrong! Social media is clearly not going away. Understanding your target market and delivering quality content is essential.

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